DNS Strength Training

The DNS Weight Lifting Courses target strength coaches, personal trainers and  clinical professionals working with athletes and/or utilizing weight training in their treatments.  Attendees of these courses should expect an improved understanding of DNS and its application to weightlifting.

Because of the complexity of the movements found in strength
and conditioning, there will be three different courses, each of which target specific aspects of strength training.

Series instructor: Richard Ulm, DC

Three days - Includes DNS Exercise 1


  • Provide an enhanced understanding of the biomechanics of the squat, deadlift and bench press.
  • Compare the different variations of the squat (high bar, low bar and front squat) for more precise implementation into training.
  • Improve participants' understanding of the kinematics of stabilization for weight lifting.
  • Provide proper cuing to enable coaches and athletes to perform the technique in a way that is consistent with DNS principles.  


  • IMPORTANT: this is not an introductory course for these movements.  Attendees should have experience with these movements prior to attending.
  • No prior DNS courses are required.  DNS Weightlifting is an Exercise 1 course with an emphasis on weightlifting.  Coaches, trainers and physicians without any prior DNS experience can attend this course, which will count as an Exercise 1 course for the advancement through the DNS Exercise series.

Two Days


  • Provide an enhanced understanding of the biomechanics of the snatch, clean and the jerk.
  • Cover detailed technique including cues to enable coaches and athletes to train and promote technique consistent with the principle of DNS.
  • Cover exercises to enable coaches and athletes to actually achieve proper technique for better application of DNS principles


  • Attendees must have previously taken one of the following courses: Exercise 1, DNS Weightlifting, or Clinical A course. (It is preferred that attendees have taken the DNS Weightlifting Course.)
  • IMPORTANT: Attendees must have prior experience in Olympic Weightlifting.
    This course is NOT intended as an introduction to these complex movements.

Two Days


  • Cover common auxiliary exercises in strength training (i.e. pull-ups, kipping-pull-ups, shoulder press, push-ups, lunges, bent over rows, etc.)
  • Help trainers, strength coaches or medical professionals improve their ability to apply DNS principles to a wide array of exercises.


  • Attendees must have previously taken one of the following courses: Exercise 1, DNS Weightlifting, or Clinical A course. (It is preferred that attendees have taken the DNS Weightlifting Course.)
  • It is advised that attendees have experience with strength training and are familiar with both traditional auxiliary exercises and CrossFit movements.  This course is not intended to be an introduction to the movements covered.



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